The Future is Mars Cottagecore
Space Fungus Houses, Extraterrestrial Moss, and Tardigrade Genes
A Wonder Moss From Earth Can Survive on Mars—and Colonize It (

Earth and Mars don’t seem to have a lot in common, but the two planets do share some similar attributes including axial tilt, day length, and a history of liquid water.
Now, scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences say that some “extremotolerant” plants found on Earth could even survive the harsh conditions of the Red Planet.
One such planet, a type of moss found in arid locales like Tibet and Antarctica, survived rigorous testing, including deep freezing and high radiation, and could serve as a foundational “pioneer” plant for future human colonies on the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
Instead of living in your metal Jetsons house in the future, we will have a more organic way of living. After all, it’s been proven that the most efficient way of mowing is with goats.
What the inside of a spaceship might really look like (
Ultimately Armstrong imagines giant floating biomes drifting through the cosmos. Self-sustaining organic spaceships with fields, lakes and mountains, similar to ones I’ve written about before in this column. However, so far any attempts to create large-scale successful closed biological systems on Earth have failed.
To cut a long, and somewhat depressing story, short the most ambitious – the Biosphere 2 project, a giant greenhouse complex in the Arizona Desert – ended when oxygen levels dropped, pest species such as cockroaches proliferated and the “crew” fell out with each other. This is why Armstrong differs from many starship dreamers in her desire to start small, to see these ideas implemented in stages.
Romanticism in science - Wikipedia
When categorizing the many disciplines of science that developed during this period, Romantics believed that explanations of various phenomena should be based upon vera causa, which meant that already known causes would produce similar effects elsewhere.[2]: 15 It was also in this way that Romanticism was very anti-reductionist: they did not believe that inorganic sciences were at the top of the hierarchy but at the bottom, with life sciences next and psychology placed even higher.[2]: 19 This hierarchy reflected Romantic ideals of science because the whole organism takes more precedence over inorganic matter, and the intricacies of the human mind take even more precedence since the human intellect was sacred and necessary to understanding nature around it and reuniting with it.
Various disciplines on the study of nature that were cultivated by Romanticism included: Schelling's Naturphilosophie; cosmology and cosmogony; developmental history of the earth and its creatures; the new science of biology; investigations of mental states, conscious and unconscious, normal and abnormal; experimental disciplines to uncover the hidden forces of nature – electricity, magnetism, galvanism and other life-forces; physiognomy, phrenology, meteorology, mineralogy, "philosophical" anatomy, among others.[2]: 6
I shall splice my genetic code with the genes that make tardigrade proteins so I can survive in outer space.
Tardigrade Genes Reveal a Strange History of Their Crazy Survival Skills : ScienceAlert
Tardigrades: Surviving extreme radiation | eLife (
Clearly, the future involves playing lots of Cosmo Sheldrake for every imaginable theme while we live in our Mars cottagecore fungus houses surrounded by our Mars moss with our goats and space terrariums and our tardigrade gene splices.
Meanwhile, poor Elongated Muskrat is preoccupied with trying not to look like Hitler in his plans to increase genetic purity.
Claim: Elon Musk doesn’t want to get into genetic engineering because he’d be a Nazi.
Fact check: Elon Musk wants to get into genetic engineering and is already a Nazi, he just plays coy about it because he doesn’t want anyone to point this out.
The future is Mars cottagecore, and the people coming up with fake technologies like Neuralink and asking daddy government to give their failed businesses millions and billions of dollars to keep them afloat need to get out of the way or take their place among the fossils of our time.