The Retarded Microscope of Politics
Caring about politics as much as Dr. Manhattan cares about pants
I have decided that talking politics is like the retarded microscope from Rick and Morty. OK, it’s not the case no one should ever talk about politics, you should probably vote and be somewhat engaged so that Hitler doesn’t seize power, but anything beyond that is basically what someone here called “cocktail party” stuff (in the context of political science degrees) but worse. If you’re like me, you can’t just sit and say “how’s the weather?” You could start to talk about the different kinds of clouds and the weather patterns and meteorology, but that’s different and most people wouldn’t want to hear it anyway, no surprise since Sturgeon’s Law really applies to people in my experience. The fact is talking about the weather in the sense that most people do is just boring and there’s no reason to do it and be miserable. Politics is like that, except it makes people dumber so they’re happier talking about dumb things, which is why I now care about politics as much as Dr. Manhattan cares about pants. I’ve heard making people dumber to make them so-called happy but actually just delirious is how lobotomies worked back when those were commonly given out and that’s more or less how the modern equivalents of lobotomies like EST work. Except that doesn’t work on me no matter how much big corporations would really like for everyone to be retarded and happy, because I have standards that I compare things to and I have a different kind of mind that causes me to call myself a mutant or sometimes an alien but mutant is probably at least kind of literal, people can have mutations but I’m pretty sure there aren’t babies being switched with Martians. I’m not happy with Gilded Garbage or anything else that comes from that so politics banter is just more useless Old World stuff to me like basically all of the humanities and the vast majority of the social sciences.
That also explains why so many Substackers are basically psychotic, complaining about the politics of Bud Light and Oreos while running around shouting about Vitamin B12 being cyanide and whatever stupid ideas, because they don’t want to take no vitamins, they just want their Bud Light and Oreos. Like, would you like to know how big-scale industrial farming is actually done? It’s way worse than vitamins. Unless you’re on the Twelve Disciples Diet or something getting your B12 from the couple of fish you eat a week that you catch with your own hands and the rest of your diet is basically vegan bread and tabouleh and Israeli quinoa salads anyway, you’re not on anything like an “all natural” diet, you’re on the Old McDonald’s diet which is not better at all. Instead of maybe getting a trace amount of cyanide like you would if you ate an apple now you’re getting all the stuff that builds up in industrial farming. I’m not even against industrial farming on principle. I just know in practice it’s usually corporate farming and consists of cutting corners and lying about it.
I’m not completely boycotting Substack or anything, and there are a few people who have intelligent things to say about politics anyway as well as lots of people who might not really but the other things they say just outweigh it anyway in my opinion. Substack is just social media, it has less gambly stuff than other social media sites despite still having a little, you can use it to promote things you want to promote and to connect with other people since people used to do things like “writing letters” and “sending telegrams” but don’t just become a dopamine junkie or adrenaline junkie over it. However, I have long been very done with the whole “subscribe to me and I’ll subscribe to you” kind of mentality. I might accidentally unsubscribe to a few people I’d rather subscribe to, but I can just add you back later. It’s not like I’m unsubscribing from people I pay or anything. But even people who have been really productive or intelligent or creative in the past often just stop doing that, rest on their laurels, and look for an excuse to write stuff that doesn’t really matter, so even just “look how productive this person was!” or even “look what qualifications this person has!” won’t save anyone.
The more I unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe! The more I unsubscribe the happier I’ll be! I don’t care what you say And you don’t care what I say! The more I unsubscribe the happier I’ll be!*
*To a point, I don’t want to literally unsubscribe from everyone just like I don’t want to literally never pay attention to politics again.
On a more uplifting topic, here’s a couple of logos I did in the new online Stable Diffusion (man they keep changing it a lot) for the hypothetical OU Dinosaurs sports teams. There was supposedly a pentaceratops skull (which was replaced with a triceratops in the version of the story I heard via oral transmission) under the football stadium for 53 years. I still can’t help but think that’s a way better mascot than “Sooners.” Like people who cheated in a land run? My roommate still thought a “Sooner” was a kind of horse, so not a very memorable mascot. We need to get with the times and stop being a bunch of old dinosaurs and literally be the Dinosaurs because that’s ironic. At least that’s my personal opinion. Also we should get rid of the Gilded Garbage architecture while we’re at it and replace it all with art deco, high-tech buildings, greenhouses, and other things that are actually cool and banish the Old World back where it belongs.