Great. Now I want a set of Full size Wolverine claws.

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I dont particularly dislike the gilded look when it is done in moderation. Brick, in particular, was a functional choice for building long lasting and well insulated buildings before advances in modern heating and cooling. I particularly like when they do light accents on the side of the buildings. I just think someone needed to tell them when to stop with all the extra decorative elements.

I think that the failure of moderation led us into brutalism. I believe brutalism is in general ugly (though graffiti and a couple additional decorative structs can salvage it).

Art Deco is quite good and striking, balancing between too much and too little. I wish it was a bit better merged with some older French techniques as seen in the architecture of the old city in New Orleans, which I find absolutely beautiful. The addition of some extra greenery nice and subtle patterns using bars between windows would be nice and bring a great balance.

Glass Boxes suck the most though. Whoever had that idea deserves to be reincarnated as an ant and be scorched under a magnifying glass.

Also, I disagree with Goethe here: Knights, Robbers, and Ghosts are cool. It’s not like we are making a deal with a devil just by having them around.

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