It is a sign of maturity if a person, instead of just criticizing everything, attempts to do better. But I am sure I will be criticized for saying this, so I had better get out of here!!!!#

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💪🧠☺️🤭 - 👏👏👏

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The term enlightenment as applied to les philosophes pre révolution is certainly a fatuous misnomer. But they were, and this is Europe’s great tragedy, immensely influential. Without St Simon there is no Marx and without Helvetius there is no Bentham.

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"It’s a hub of perverts, an advertisement for conspicuous consumption, and a bunch of autistic people who decided that since autistic people aren’t supposed to understand metaphors they were going to turn everything into metaphors and ignore every other meaning works possess from literal ones to other devices such as metonymy."

Best description of TVTropes.... evar haha. And a great read as well!

Also, as a Destiny player, I admit I didn't know about "Sturm and Drang" until a few years ago when the game named a hand cannon and a sidearm after them. I'd also only add that though dead French intellectuals may be boring, think of how fun UNdead French intellectuals would be!

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