You always hear about “postcolonialism,” but the main people who need postcolonialism are Americans. Which race of Americans? All Americans, your skin color doesn’t matter. If you look at the so-called “elites” what you’ll notice is they’re a bunch of people who just vaunt Europe by and large. I’m sure none of them have ever worn a cowboy hat as evidenced by that awkward picture of Obama, lots of them don’t have a driver’s license, most of them I’m sure have never held a gun, etc. The people who run the country probably don’t even put up flags of the country they’re supposedly so loyal to because what they’re really loyal to is their own career advancement, but they don’t want you to even think of these facts.
People like to complain about pop culture too, and also try to conveniently make you forget that usually pop culture is coded as American and operas and whatever are coded as European. There are some pretty good operas, but let’s face it, most operas are light operas, not Wagner and Verdi. It’s no wonder that the same people who like light operas also listen to schlager so-called music. High modernism itself and all the accompanying LaRouchite doctrine is very much pro-Europe and tends to be very fascist implicitly and often explicitly.
No, I’m not going to listen to your 432 Hz Mozart or Beatles recording or whatever, neither of which was meant to be played at 432 Hz. Modern music has been recorded at 440 Hz to begin with and it’s all basically arbitrary anyway, look at what actually happens with acoustics and you’ll see that what key or scale people play at changes the notes, the temperature in the room changes the notes, and plenty of people play at higher or lower pitches for various reasons anyway.
As for “being in tune with the Earth,” no, you almost certainly don’t want that, see my observations from creating my album Hypnogogy. The tuning for sacred music used to mostly be at 444 Hz and 440 Hz is pretty close to that, in fact if you start at 440 Hz it probably goes up to 444 Hz after you start playing which might be how that standard came into being. Of course LaRouche would be quite unhappy with modern rock music being played at the sacred music pitch even if you’re me you 1. like rock music and 2. half want to adopt “no sacred, no profane” as a motto, just reenchant that world anyway, positivists like Durkheim who came up with the sacred and profane are barely even worth a mention.
As for Europe’s overrated food, American food is also better, and you can’t complain about there being too many fat Americans and then say European food is actually better, because at least American food motivates people to eat it. French food sucks and the good version is called Cajun food because the French de facto banned spice when they got too much of it imported into France, but that was stupid because spice is the spice of life in addition to having all sorts of antioxidants and health/medicinal value. Want to know why the French are thin? One, it’s because they’re too poor to afford a ton of food, and two, their food is gross compared to other countries’ spinoffs of their food like America’s and even Vietnam’s. The reason there are so many fat Americans is really mostly just because Americans have more money to spend on food due to the fact you can earn money in America, you don’t have to be born into it, so everyone works harder and earns more money even if they’re relatively lazy by American standards, and most people aren’t disciplined anywhere in the world though.
Why do we have so many politicians who are like Hillary Clinton and like “I don’t drive” and whatever? People in higher education are still taught to fetishize Europe too much, that’s what. America is still de facto owned by Europe. The American Revolution was primarily cultural when it happened, but you don’t learn that in school because the elites want you to think it was just about not liking King George and making the Constitution instead of being beholden to the king because they themselves are mostly not loyal to America at all and not American at all anymore. I have come to the conclusion you can’t have the Constitution without American culture and that hasn’t been emphasized at all.
Maybe we should deport people born with US citizenship to Europe if they’re just not going to understand what their rights are for and complain that the US is just evil or whatever. Europe isn’t freezing anymore like it was during the Little Ice Age so just go, go back. You can go play your status politics games there but of course they’re not as rich because everyone else in Europe is lazy and the land is nowhere near as good. But still, most American problems would probably be fixed if we acknowledged that treason isn’t freedom of speech etc. and got people to stop copying these awful poor countries of lazy people.
Sometimes I still like to joke that maybe our problem is that we kept speaking English instead of speaking something that could be recognizably American, maybe Navajo or Choctaw or something, or maybe make one language that unites everything in America including all the European and African languages, though I don’t usually think that was actually what happened. Language changes with use as much as use changes with language. Maybe the US was a false promise and the people who started it always basically just wanted to be European and told the proles it wasn’t European, and that’s why you don’t get to learn very much history. I doubt that though. I think it’s changed, and now we have a bunch of stupid pseudo-European aristocratic idiots trying to keep down the real Americans. What we need: more STEM education, because that’s everything that’s good about America that elevates it over Europe.
Yes, as much as I try to avoid talking politics on these kinds of issues, I am definitely thinking about all the chaos falling out from the Trump verdict. It overwhelmingly is starting to seem like a bunch of pseudo-European aristocrats who wish they were born as princes and princesses in the Old World vs. one very American guy, whatever his failings and flaws may be. Yes, people in general are going to want to vote for the one guy who actually likes America over all these people who have questionable loyalties even if they’re from established political families. If you don’t want people to vote for Trump, let some candidate who does less pussy-grabbing who actually likes America through instead, because I’m pretty sure that’s all of what’s driving the voting at this point. Now that Trump has been convicted, congratulations, everyone who’s had crack planted on them or whatever is going to want to support him, you just handed him the election by doing the whole “defund the police!” thing and then being a hypocrite who uses the police when it’s convenient only on the one guy you don’t like. Anyway, being an outlaw is way more American than being a prince or princess.
America and the Younger Goethe on JSTOR
Yes, this is the Goethe reference I’ve made a couple times before but this is actually how I learned about the reality of the American Revolution when it happened. It was all about culture and politics was basically an afterthought. It is true that politics is downstream from culture. Now that our culture is European we have European politics and all the ugliness that entails. But yes, there is certainly a lot of pressure to be culturally European and hate on America for social status in my opinion. Just be brave and strong and don’t give into that. As the saying goes, if it were easy, everyone would do it.
The most irritating part is that there *are* respectable things about European culture, but those are not what the political class cares about. For example, most Americans can't imagine their nation without its government, or at least its founding documents; say "we should get back to the Constitution" and most people agree, but say "we should go all the way back to the Articles of Confederation," and everyone loses their minds! Europeans (well, most Old-Worlders, really) understand that governments come and go, but cultures last as long as the people do. The American people have been duped into thinking "the government is us," though I think that brainwashing is starting to wear off, whereas the political class as well as the common people of Old World nations understand "the government is separate from and adversarial to the common people." Sadly, we're told that trust in government is much higher in Europe because the governments lie about how much their subjects are happy with them. The only governments that the western hegemon say should be distrusted are the ones adversarial to them, like Russia or Iran, which doesn't piss me off nearly as much as the compulsive contrarians (leftist and rightist alike) who think that the Russian or Iranian governments are remotely trustworthy.
"Want to know why the French are thin? One, it’s because they’re too poor to afford a ton of food, and two, their food is gross compared to other countries’ spinoffs of their food like America’s and even Vietnam’s." In Italy, a co-worker once told me that a pizzeria refused service to customers (tourists usually) who request additional pizzas in one visit because they eat too much. The life expectancy of a restricted diet is healthier than one with more. I also think that the ultra-rich are more likely going to prefer to be thin: There are a number of billionaires like that.