I think the UK and US both need to start dropping some of these waste of time courses that saddle people with so much debt but are useless outside in the real world.

Because let’s be real. If someone applied for a job at a company you owned and told you they’d been to university then you’d be like great!! Then they tell you they studied Taylor Swift and that would be interview over 😂.

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The first casualty of the Gaza Genocide was truth. The second was woke. Woke politics looks petty and trivial when compared to what is happening in both Ukraine and Gaza, and the Red Sea, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank, and Lebanon for that matter.

Throw in the fact that the economy continues to suck for the majority of Americans, and the fact of the matter is that we simply have neither the time nor the energy to focus on such trivialities as woke. It's dead, and good riddance.

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Well said!

Regarding College.

Rather than invest in the centralized easily controlled system of universities.

Local libraries. Libraries, invest in libraries.

Mandate Rhetoric in Elementary , Jr high and High school.

People learning to form ideas into an coherent shape, and communicate them would change many things.

Reading, rhetoric,

I know I'm a dreamer.

However, I cast those seeds out in hope that in the rebuilding after the looming zombie apocalypse, those seeds may be nourished into orchards.

Orchards that could nourish generations.

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