The Super Bowl is everything wrong with American culture. I don’t even categorically hate America: America looks good on paper. Land of the free, home of the brave, justice and liberty, Bill of Rights, America the Beautiful, God Bless America. However, the Super Bowl is basically just an excuse to get people to watch commercials, and the way the military is integrated points to the idea that America has probably been fascist for a long time before Elon Musk started heiling him some Hitler behind the Presidential Seal, since Mussolini’s own definition of fascism was that it was a merger of state and corporate power. Additionally, “American football” isn’t even a real sport, it’s just rugby, but way slowed down so the people who just want to watch the commercials and be materialist consumers who eat a bunch of toxic synthetic chemicals and buy things they don’t need can pretend to like sports so that they don’t feel like the huge shallow materialist consoomers they are. I used to think football was just so boring compared to, say, basketball or baseball, because it’s mostly just a bunch of people standing there, and now I understand that’s a feature, not a bug.
A few days ago I realized that the reason everything seems so much cheaper in, for example, Australia and New Zealand is that the US government (as well as to a lesser extent, the governments of other places like Europe) is literally subsidizing for people to buy cheap Chinese junk and generally engage in lots of consumption. Consumer goods and to a lesser extent food are more expensive in countries where you can get both healthcare and a house, but I didn’t initially consider that because I don’t do literally tens of thousands of dollars worth of consooming, and no one really should anyway or there’s a lot wrong with you, even though, yeah, most Americans really do, and even many Europeans and Asians do. Another country besides China which benefits from this is South Africa which exports most of the diamonds, emeralds, and other overpriced gems which are subject to artificial scarcity (read: by killing black people,) the homeland of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. America is basically owned by the BRICS because of the consumerist craze and the Super Bowl is exemplary of why. Since I don’t think everyone is going to stop engaging in this no matter how much you personally don’t engage in consoomerism, I would suggest everyone leave before it’s too late. When the PRC collapses, I think the US will get nuked, Russia already tried in 2022 and the Chicoms just told them no, when they can’t say no, it’ll happen. I think this will also only happen after the PRC invades Taiwan, which will be a last-ditch effort by the Chicoms to propagandize to their citizens.
So everyone, please leave before it’s too late unless you’re already one of the people hiding on a farm with a nuclear bunker and what have you which, good for you, thanks for doing the good work to actually make America great again. 50% of people want to leave, you don’t have to swear off America forever or anything, I just don’t think it’s safe and I think this is exactly the problem. But first you have to not want to be a materialist consoomer. Inflation is high even though both the value of the dollar and the stock market are also high, which means the price of goods are high. Good for you, if you have a bunch of things you don’t want, there’s never been a better time to sell them and there never will be again, so do that and move somewhere with education and healthcare and lower corruption for a while, that’s what I’m planning on doing for real. I don’t think it’ll be hard to leave, I think people are genuinely so materialistic and consoomerist that they’ll buy your extra junk at sky-high prices despite everything and if they didn’t we wouldn’t all have to leave anyway. We just have to start.
When are you moving to Australia?