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https://lukemuehlhauser.com/wp-content/uploads/Jenkin-Atomic-energy-is-moonshine-what-did-Rutherford-really-mean.pdf I think Szilard was motivated to disprove Rutherford, but Rutherford downplayed nuclear research because he thought it was too destructive and wanted to postpone it as long as possible. It's also curious what Bohr and Heisenberg talked about in 1941. Apparently some documents weren't unsealed until 2002: https://history.aip.org/exhibits/heisenberg/bohr-heisenberg-meeting.html

Also Japan had a nuclear program: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-234#Secret_cargo Webber, "Silent Siege-II", 1985. p. vi, 319

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