Speaking of Gilgamesh and the Bible, I have chanced upon the theory that Gilgamesh is Nimrod and Nimrod is Gilgamesh.

Nimrod was considered the first human to seek active rebellion against god, whereas all the other human sins before were not directly against god, either violating god’s one rule (Adam and Eve), brother killing (Cain and Abel), sins against each-other/infighting (Noah), sanctity (Ham). Nimrod and Gilgamesh are listed as great hunters who fought against god(s) with Gilgamesh killing the Bull of Heaven.

My hypothesis on this is that the Akkadians mythos merged in with biblical story-telling predating the written form of the Bible. There was a divine conflict between them and the descendants of Shem (semites), which led into each dissing each-other in their stories. The Lord soon enough turned out to be mightier than the Akkadian Gods, but mercifully spared their stories so that the lessons on brotherhood and inevitability of death could be taught. I am quite grateful for that.

Kind of goes against your theory a bit, but thought you would be interested.

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I mean, I read the idea it's Nimrod before writing this but didn't think to comment too much on that. Maybe sparing the stories wasn't a mercy though, maybe it was just historical documentation. And anyway, comparing Nimrod to Satan wouldn't really be against what the Bible does in any way. The Bible likes comparing human historical figures to Satan (and other spiritual figures) all the time. But Gilgamesh being Nimrod also being the Lucifer figure who was the king of Babylon who was probably also equated with Satan seems like 100% what the Bible would be saying. Makes orders of magnitude more sense than saying it's Nebuchadnezzar when Isiah is supposed to way predate him and it doesn't seem like that close of a parallel anyway.

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To be quite honest, non I don't think we should have anything to do with genetic engineering, I just think it is a bad idea over-all to meddle with out biology and systems, as we have no idea how badly it might (likely) blow up in our faces.

Some such as Musk like you and I have pointed out countless times are drooling at the thought, but the truth is this will only end badly.

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