Continued from I See Corporate People - by Michaela McKuen (
The most famous Norse saga, which is also considered the myth of England, Germany, and other countries that spoke Germanic languages is the Nibelungenlied. This was the inspiration for Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelungs. The Nibelungs were evil dwarves from Nibelheim or Niflheim, the Norse version of Hell which was a misty and cold realm where the dishonorable dead went. Dwarves in the original mythology seemed to just mean evil elves, and they were ugly and short because they were evil rather than being a different species.
The Nibelungs possessed a bunch of cursed gold that would give anyone who owned it the power to rule the world, which is what the Nibelung ring found by Siegfried was. The gold was cursed because no one knew where it originally came from, which seems to be a lot of what the mist or fog meaning of Nibel in Nibelheim, the idea people and events would be forgotten, plus the idea of social warmth affecting the psychological perception of physical warmth among the Vikings who knew cold all too well (though most psychological research is sadly focused on using physical warmth to increase warm feelings rather than on using your fellow Vikings to survive the cold,) which we can all sympathize with this weekend except for the people who live in the tropics. The Nibelungen gold is also the direct little-known reason for the Ragnarök/Götterdämmerung/Twilight of the Gods, because the gods acquired a bunch of the cursed items themselves and, for example, Odin’s sword automatically unsheathed itself and these events lead to the Norse gods’ downfall.

So this brings me to some ideas I’ve had for how we can end corporate power, which you can add to. The thing is, I literally don’t really care who has the most money, fame, access to violence or whatever all that much because a proper understanding of the mind will override all of that. Guns really don’t kill people, people kill people, and money doesn’t get anything, people do. Why else do some people win the lottery and end up dead from alcohol poisoning or otherwise suffer the infamous “lottery curse?” I see everything in the world as a part of the human mind, which I’m sure is why corporations are not all that enthusiastic about my research, because they don’t have human minds and they don’t want human minds to have power over them.
Name people who are responsible for their actions. Whoever did work, name them. Whoever caused a problem, name them. Don’t let anyone say “mistakes were made” or “the corporation did it.” I think this is the main method of corporate power.
This is probably the real thing that Marxism should’ve criticized rather than just becoming “critical theory” and basically criticizing everything like it does today, since the whole basis of socialism was people owning their labor, yet Marxist theory seems to have missed this and preferred guillotining the rich instead. I personally prefer using basically mind control through psychology over guillotines. Violence is a rather medieval method even if the guillotine was ironically invented for the Enlightenment, but I turn it around and use it on the people who want to control others instead of using it for personal gain reasons because I understand everything is connected and you’re not punished for your sins, you’re punished by your sins (aka karma.)
We don’t need the state to own power, that just turns the state into the last egregore, and at that point it basically can’t dissolve until the end of the world (which it shall hasten quickly) since only really corrupt people who are drunk on power would want to seize all the power like that and cut off all the heads. We need to get rid of all the stupid demons and that means for people to take credit for what they did themselves and give other people the credit and blame they deserve, which means naming people, not naming corporations that are abstractedly legally disconnected from people but not actually disconnected from people.
Corporations are basically a lie that the law keeps bolstering because people put money into them. But their money doesn’t really matter. Just name the actual people and take credit for your own work, I think that gives you more or less the goal socialists wanted without any of the French Revolution Terror style violence from Marxism because you are giving yourself your labor with your words and giving other people their labor and making people accountable for their mistakes.
Don’t make new corporations. Just give things descriptive names like you were doing science or engineering. It’s probably also good advice not to name things after yourself, just like in science you’re not allowed to name things after yourself. If someone else names something after you, even what you made, then good, but don’t name your idea, work, or discovery after yourself. Just pick descriptive names unless/until someone else names it after you. Giving things fancy, and fanciful, names probably dooms them to become autonomous in a way.
By descriptive names I mean just calling things what they are in the most literal sense possible. Yes, even science isn’t at that high of a standard but I think that’s kind of a problem. Even Goethe had criticisms of the Linnaean taxonomy system that seems to have increasingly more problems over time (and is reminiscent of our reproducibility crisis we have today, since people were just classifying but not explaining anything.) Species don’t usually get turned into these demonic or spiritual kinds of ideas unlike corporations, but there are major exceptions regardless, like “humanism” and “transhumanism” that seem to just center around a biological idea of humans rather than one based on the experiences people actually have.
That is all for now! If you have any more ideas please add them in the comments and I’ll consider them!
Karl Marx was a drunk who made his wife do everything and didn't really love her while this would have made him a hit in the C suite aka land of the Borg enforcers he did not understand the Nifelheim that corporate culture is especially in middle management as he was also a failed aristocrat that drank up his families vodka money they got from the czars and enjoyed his time with the little folk but didn't even understand how to manage land or workers to get positive results. In modern terms he had real hating ass fat girl energy and had he been a trans fat influencer if cell phones had been around then would we even be talking about Marx. The next Marx is probably addicted to trans rights videos high af on the tok right now and has ruined their attention span so bad that they need a month in the mountains without a phone
I recently watched a “A Christmas Carol” 1938. In the film there is Scrooge, but also Mr. Fezziwig.
Mr. Fezziwig operates a business, but his operations are local and artisanal. His view of business generally is more cheerful and beneficial to his neighbors. His business was the type of business that mainly existed prior to mass transportation and industrialization and struggle in our modern economic environment. Scrooge at the end of the film is redeemed to be more like Mr. Fezziwig.
Various distance tax policies like tariffs and transport taxes dramatically shift businesses towards a more local orientation offering protectionism while businesses grow locally.
It is arguable that if the people are going to be taxed anyway that they should be taxed in such a way that has the positive benefit of community formation as opposed to something else.
Protectionism towards small local businesses may reduce the negative consequences of corporate power.