Karl Marx was a drunk who made his wife do everything and didn't really love her while this would have made him a hit in the C suite aka land of the Borg enforcers he did not understand the Nifelheim that corporate culture is especially in middle management as he was also a failed aristocrat that drank up his families vodka money they got from the czars and enjoyed his time with the little folk but didn't even understand how to manage land or workers to get positive results. In modern terms he had real hating ass fat girl energy and had he been a trans fat influencer if cell phones had been around then would we even be talking about Marx. The next Marx is probably addicted to trans rights videos high af on the tok right now and has ruined their attention span so bad that they need a month in the mountains without a phone

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Marx is possibly way worse than that, possibly.

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I just glossed over it but for all we know Marx was probably into the same occult crap Nazis were into which gave us Paperclip and MK Ultra so thanks for the psyops and all the fish Marxy Marx. Christians in China are still thrown in jail. Marx is like the 19th century Nero. 🤣

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The one thing that book doesn't mention. Yeah, he was in an occult group. It's not one Hitler was in but I'm sure if you go back enough you can find a connection. Nazis were "national socialists" after all but they were more into Theosophy than anything, especially the offshoot Ariosophy which was way more racist than Theosophy even though Theosophy the way Blavatsky taught it was kind of racist too.

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You really have to get into what Potash did on the CIA and MK Ultra and the look at the opiod crisis and how conservatives are done now( Maga EXTREMISTS are the new long haired hippies. He also points out the correlation between opiod use in the country and how the Dow Rises when opiod use gets higher. Want a Sackler connection. Valium was used in MKULTRA experiments, Sacklers, opiod crisis Sacklers. Paperclip led to MKULTRA which had occultism all over it and still does. Drugs as Weapons Against Us.. Everytime I get to somewhere I can kind of beginning, middle and end this stuff more gets tied back to paperclip when studying the behavior of government and society through their want more like need to modify and control behavior of the populace on both sides of the aisle. It's not liberty. We're all oppressed really but people fall for the divide and conquer all the time.

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I recently watched a “A Christmas Carol” 1938. In the film there is Scrooge, but also Mr. Fezziwig.

Mr. Fezziwig operates a business, but his operations are local and artisanal. His view of business generally is more cheerful and beneficial to his neighbors. His business was the type of business that mainly existed prior to mass transportation and industrialization and struggle in our modern economic environment. Scrooge at the end of the film is redeemed to be more like Mr. Fezziwig.

Various distance tax policies like tariffs and transport taxes dramatically shift businesses towards a more local orientation offering protectionism while businesses grow locally.

It is arguable that if the people are going to be taxed anyway that they should be taxed in such a way that has the positive benefit of community formation as opposed to something else.

Protectionism towards small local businesses may reduce the negative consequences of corporate power.

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Maybe. You tried to defend Henry Kissinger, but I'll give you a chance. Especially if people are taxed the same either way, maybe that's a good idea. I just wouldn't want it as like an extra tax. I mean we need our tea from India and China man. But we don't need everything else in India and China too, which seems to be the direction things are headed.

But worse than Indian and Chinese manufacturing everything and leaving us with no jobs is, you know, all the corporations like Google, or the ones trying to take over Substack (there are more than just Katz and Ko working for corporate media involved in this. Substack's owners wanted to make it a corporation, which makes me wonder if we should just take the kind of software behind Substack and make an open-source version. Other people working for corporations besides the Atlantic also want to take over the site but people don't focus on them so much.)

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I defended Henry Kissinger?! I hardly know the guy.

But I wasn’t even mainly thinking of foreign manufacturing, as Scrooge and Mr. Fezziwig faced problems within Britain. I want business owners who are creative and connected to their local region instead of various invasive species. Wherein a corporation is entirely virtualized, I figure that decentralized options are able to out compete them after a couple of years (open source has a creativity problem.) unless they obtain a strong advantage. One way that might assist in achieving that is moved the tax burden onto foreign luxury items to a region and increasing internal resilience. Of course, in practicality this is very questionable, but I feel that it should be included as part of a discussion.

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Oh, never mind, it's late and I got confused with someone else who defended Henry Kissinger. I sincerely apologize!

Yes, that should be part of the discussion even if it's definitely questionable too!

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