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No, see, the 60's really didn't ruin everything. I believe that reaction to the 60's by those with political and economic power (The Greatest Generation) had more to do with change from and stagnation of some of the most intensely creative art, music and culture in America.

In one sense, the 60's were an awakening of individual power and freedom for a generation who stopped an unjust war, made a president resign (Nixon) and carried shattered dreams from seeing Dr. Martin Luther King and John & Robert Kennedy executed violently, needlessly on Black & White Television. That decade also brought The Women's movement and laws giving Equal Rights to minorities - (Civil Rights Act 1963-1964)

We did good for future generations, bringing one decade later the Americans With Disability Act and ultimately the ERA.

Before you hang troubles of the world on Boomers, tell us all the positive results from YOUR generation...the artists, poets, musicians, playwrights, photographers, authors and politicians who changed the world for better. Where are YOUR spokespeople, the doers, the doctors and philosophers who have made the world a better, safer place?

You claim PSYCHODELIA - I am impressed...we need to talk. I took acid with Timothy Leary and Minor White, (https://www.moma.org/artists/6342) - { not even the mighty ADOBE could match the skill, eye or narrative of Whites mastery of tonality or spirituality.} it was supplied by Lisa Bieberman .

No, we were not perfect, but we gave you gifts, learning, experimentation and the freedom to enjoy both. Now show us what you are giving back!

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