I like nearly 101 things about and hovering roundabout this piece, Michaela. And of course I'd do well to read or at least peruse the book, which I will do. Especially because I'm very interested in Language and what it means to be Human too. But I will say this -- I am beyond thrilled that the Pirahã (see: pariah and symbolic name duly noted. Human perfection at work, folks) are vexing. Beguilingly and Beautifully so! Without dismissing their (see? my coping mechanisms, however Human, have already kicked in Big Time, and have deployed Language, see: "their", to help me, with what? Survive! Survive what? The Truth, no doubt. yeesh!) inherent worth (a BS term and vaporising fast in the face of even the possibility! of the Pirahã) any and all Light cast on them helps to define ourselves. In ultra high def focus. To devistating or remarkable degree. Now already waistdeep in this note, I'm reminded of the DeLillo novel: Ratner's Star. Well. I'll try to gather my thoughts or not and simply enjoy how sheerly dismantled I've become with even the merest hint of, not thee Pirahã -- but my pariah. As I quickly learn (far) more (than my coping can handle. thankfully) of what a Human truly is.

Warm appreciation for introducing me to this!

I think ;)

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Very interesting stuff, thanks for this.

Have you read a book called The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic: The Parallel Lives of People as Plants: Keeping the Seeds Alive by Martin Prechtel ?

It explores the psychology, linguistics and societies of both the Mayans of Guatemala and the people native to New Mexico in the US.

I am also curious if you have ever studied the famous Terra Preta and manmade food forests of the Amazon?

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Also, your post reminds me of Jørgen Leth's The Perfect Human, 1967, featured in my first shooshslap post and I believe my first notenottweet -- reposted today cuz I was also reminded (by chance) that its my 3 month anniversary!

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