To be honest, I don't like the way that any criticism of Israel is dismissed as "anti-Semitism." Nobody is above criticism, and there's plenty to criticize about the Jewish religion (such as the barbaric practice of circumcision). John Mearsheimer, a distinguished academic at the University of Chicago, wrote a book called "The Israel Lobby," where he lays out an intellectual (not prejudice-based) argument against US aid to Israel.

Having said that, I also don't like how the Left openly supports radical Islamic terrorists, such as Hamas. The sharia state of Hamas is clearly a threat to America and her Middle Eastern allies. The Palestine Authority is a legitimate secular government, but Hamas are religious extremists.

Good article, thanks for sharing.

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I have plenty of criticisms of Israel, but I got really tired of the both-sidesism regarding Hamas. And it's the Palestinians who keep turning down the two-state solutions according to sources I read because the vast majority doesn't want a two-state solution just like the vast majority votes for Hamas. This is of course the vast majority, not every single Palestinian, but I doubt the Israel lobby controls statistics.

I don't personally criticize Israel's right to exist despite having criticisms of the government etc. If someone criticizes Israel's right to exist the next thing I hope to hear from them is that they're an anarchist, not that they want another Arab state when Palestinians are not even ethnically distinct from other Arabs, they legitimately just seem like it's mostly a population of people who exist to hate Israel and have artificially grouped up that way, plus a smaller number of people who got pulled along for various reasons despite not hating Israel.

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Well, when you say "the Palestinians," I think that needs to be qualified. The Fatah Party of Yasser Arafat is a secular organization. They are Palestinian nationalists who (at least in principle) would accept a peaceful two-state solution with Israel. The Oslo Accords were very close to achieving peace in the 90s.

Hamas, on the other hand, is a jihadist state. They impose sharia law, which (I assume) means the death penalty for very minor offenses. Probably, women have no rights and gays are thrown off buildings; apostasy is punishable by torture and death. Although democratically elected, Hamas refuse to hold any future elections. They refuse any two-state solution as an unacceptable compromise. These terrorists definitely hate Israel, and they probably hate America too.

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You only have hate readers, LOL, you are so pathetic.

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You haven’t actually looked at my reader list, but then, you think computers were a mistake so why would you? You also think coherent arguments were a mistake. It’s no wonder you want to live in a cave.

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LOL, lady install Linux on computers, something I am sure is quite beyond your midwit HR level intellect, giggle. Yes I am laughing at your pathetic nature.

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I’ve installed Linux before, and I’m not sure what that has to do with your argument because you’d rather not use Linux either, you’d rather live in the Stone Age.

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Doubt! You are clearly and obviously a spoiled trust fund JAP who has never done a lick of work in your whole life.

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LOL, your spittle flecked rage ad hominems are darkly amusing. So perhaps you might might want to engage in some self aware reflection before accusing people of incoherent arguments LOL when your short post has multiple ad hominems which are a logical fallacy. Perhaps you could be a comic, if you could just get over that advocacy for mass murder of children thing?

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You don’t know what ad hominems are and now you’re just spamming multiple replies to my posts. Sure, go back and live in a cave alone struggling to meet your physical needs. That’s not the way I want to live so that’s why I don’t make your arguments.

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Of course you want to live high off the hog of commiting genocide against the Palestinians and stealing their resources like large offshore gas reserves. Your people in Israel are mass murders of children and they are also thieves. You are a typical greedy selfish rootless urbanite who lives off the suffering of poor people around the world who you do not see as fully human but rather as cash cows and people sitting on resources to exploit for your labor free investment income.

How do you sleep with your deep level of immorality?

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Thanks for calling me Jewish yet again just for not being an Antisemite! And being urban is such an insult! Wow I am so insulted by the idea of living in a city instead of a cave!

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You are wrong about everything. You need to rethink your whole life from top to bottom.

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Says the guy whose profile says he likes the literal Unabomber.

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He never mass murdered thousands of children. Very much unlike the state of Israel who you mindlessly shill for because you are a vile ethno-nationalist.

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Insulting me instead of making arguments and then telling everyone to go live in the middle of the woods, bombing people they disagree with and growing vegetables with their own manure or whatever is not very convincing. Israel isn’t murdering children. Palestine is using children as human shields which is wrong and that’s one of many reasons I don’t support Hamas.

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Israel is literally dropping non guided missiles on apartment buildings, refugee camps, hospitals and schools. It is the deliberate mass murder of civilians, there is even an Israelis term for it "mowing the grass" which is a euphemism for terror bombing thousands of civilians to death. It is unspeakably evil, and you are an open advocate for that evil. Proud of yourself?

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