You're almost like St. Milburga or that triumphant Archangel of your namesake with your online good works. Say, you might know what did Ziggy meant when he sang "You're squawking like a pink monkey bird -- And I'm bustin' up my brains for the words"? I think those Spiders from Mars are actually here don't you.

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I recently heard that Mark twain said something like, “I’m not bothered by the things that are in the Bible that I don’t understand, I am more bothered by what I do understand.”

This does not allow us to know for sure what he was thinking, but I would say that a lot of people are bothered by what they do you understand because of what God calls us to do : “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.“ You may say that sounds very noble and lovely. What’s wrong with that.? Sometimes genuinely loving someone involves self sacrifice. That is very difficult for all of us.

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I like what you have to say, but I would recommend that you work on saying things in a way that communicates more clearly what you are trying to say.

I say this from the perspective of someone who is always struggling to communicate my thoughts more clearly. I don’t think I have arrived yet.

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Theology, as I see it, is a big waste of time. John Adams said it best: "Mystery is a convenient cover for absurdity." There's no reason why an all-good God would demand the bloody execution of some guy from two millennia ago to forgive everybody's sins. The Greeks and Romans had much better ideas about how to live a good life. Great painting though!

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I am good with you believing whatever you want. I never tried to convince anybody of anything. I just try to share my understanding. If it helps them, so much the better.

But it’s helpful if you have the story straight. The Bible teaches that God himself became the man who was crucified, bloodied, executed. For our sake. God, by nature, is perfectly holy and perfectly Just. He can not deny his own nature. He cannot become someone other than who he is. Therefore he must punish sin. We are not able to pay that price. Because we would have to be perfect first and then die. So because he is perfectly loving, he became a man and died in place of us. God is all about relationship. He is the perfect father. Can I recommend trying to talk to him openly and honestly. If you talk to him with a closed mind just to say show me a magic trick to prove you’re real, then you’re wasting your time. But you can ask him to help you believe in him if you have a truly open mind and open heart.

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