"I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the only way to criticize Elon Musk is by writing what passes for the campiest science fiction of all time by modern standards..."


I realize that working in online marketing I see more in-depth criticism of decisions made by major social media companies, but... just one? I don't understand where that's coming from.

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I wanted to write about Elon Musk. I have plenty of criticisms of other social media companies but they're very different from my criticisms of Elon Musk. Elon Musk really does want to take over the world even if I highly doubt he's competent enough to and just ends up making a fool of himself in my opinion, and Elon Musk receives a lot more praise and worship from people even if that's been tanking recently due to the bad decision to buy Twitter, fire almost all the people who worked at it, and destroy the brand by changing all the aesthetics and the name.

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He's a weirdo and a half, but he's no Vladimir Putin. He wants to leave the world and go to Mars, after building the 'Everything App' he's been trying to build since the 1990's.

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...He wants to build the "Everything App" so he can own the Internet and try to control it with an AI, which he also wants to put in his brain. He's sort of an incompetent cartoon villain like Doctor Doofenschmirtz or the Despicable Me guy in my opinion. I'm not with the people like Demi Pietchell who like to freak out over him and think he's some über evil genius and play him up, but I think he would really like to be some über evil genius, unlike the people who only see the side of him that's incompetent and which they want to play down. Hence the William Randolph Hearst/Citizen Kane comparison I made in another article, and why I just like to lampoon him a lot in general (but not only him, I've been going after Oppenheimer and lots of other people recently as well.)

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That's not a thing, but as far as, how did you put it... "campiest science fiction" wingnutty make believes, it's not bad. Seeing old man Musk with genetic abomination minions would be fun.

Now the Hearst comparison has some salience to it.

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He's clearly not going to get minions even though that'd be funny. But the Hearst comparison is related to pulp sci-fi and comics, too. Check out the Elon Musk as Citizen Kane article.

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