The poor superheroes you mention weren't always poor. When they debuted, they held respectable middle-class jobs, whose raison d'etre and compensation have increasingly been eroding...
I mean, Mammon Man explicitly states that if you don't have at least one trillion dollars you're poor, and if you have a rocketship instead of a spaceyacht you're also poor, among other things. But basically.
The poor superheroes you mention weren't always poor. When they debuted, they held respectable middle-class jobs, whose raison d'etre and compensation have increasingly been eroding...
I mean, Mammon Man explicitly states that if you don't have at least one trillion dollars you're poor, and if you have a rocketship instead of a spaceyacht you're also poor, among other things. But basically.
I assume being poor is why Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos et al. keep trying to take our money...