I’m not so sure that blaming any particular generation isn’t simply playing into the hands of the “divide and conquer” elites. The boomers didn’t create the central bank system which has caused the debt fuelled bubble, they just benefitted from it on the way up. But they now will pay the biggest price as their assets are repossessed while they are too old and sick to go back to work.

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Big Bang is the best show ever! (second only to Married With Children). True points about the Boomers. As for not having an academic position but still wanting to write: Join the club, we have jackets, haha. Thanks for sharing, this was a fun article!

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I mean, to the extent it's watched by people who want to make fun of nerds instead of nerds making fun of themselves, I don't think it's a very good show, but as other people put it, the early episodes are definitely just light entertainment.

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I guess that's one way to interpret the show. But to me, I think Big Bang cleverly depicts (tongue-in-cheek, admittedly) the lifestyle of today's pop culture-loving nerds. Everything from Howard's overbearing mother, Raj unable to talk to women, Sheldon's annoying autism, Penny's absent-minded promiscuity—it's funny and relatable. That's just my take.

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