First of all, reading The Nation for a perspective on Israel is like reading Pravda for a perspective on the US.

"Netanyahu did fund Hamas to try to play “divide and conquer” and make Israel an all-Jewish territory, which makes Netanyahu really responsible for October 7th and all the things Hamas did." - Netanyahu did want to divide Gaza from the West Bank but never sought to conquer either and certainly didn't want to make Israel into a "all-Jewish territory" - Please show me where he wrote or said that or what actions he took to do it.

"The reason Palestinians aren’t taken as refugees even by other Arab countries is because they’re all allied with Israel" - this is a new one on me and a comment that can be made by one who has no understanding of the Middle-East. The reason Arab countries don't take in Palestinians is that Arab countries do ever take in ANY refugees - in case you have not noticed. Where exactly are Syrian refugees living?

" The reason the Palestinians kept turning down two-state solutions is also most likely because the Israeli governments have been doing the same thing for decades, it’s just only blown up now. " - i guess you are ignoring all Mideast history from the 1930's onward. in the 1930's the Arabs (then, Palestinian meant Jews living in mandatory Palestine) were offered a state where the Jews would inhabit a small sliver along the coast (see Peel Commission). In 1947 they were offered a state larger than that offered to Israel - see UN Partition. Both of these were turned down. From 1949-1967 they ruled all of the West Bank and Gaza. No state either. Ehud Barak offered a state on nearly the entire West Bank in 2000-1. Ehud Olmert offered even more than Barak in 2015.

Neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority want a state that does not allow them to exile or annihilate the Jews living there.

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It is not correct to say all Arab countries are allies of Israel, not at all. They are not taking refugees because they simply do not want them.

The story of the Middle East, in short, is that Iran and Saudi Arabia compete for power, and fight proxy wars in Yemen (government vs Houthis), Syria and Iraq (each side backs different militias, total mess).

Lebanon is actively hostile towards Israel, with Hezbollah (also backed by Iran)

And of course, Iran has stated their ultimate goal is the destruction of the Zionist state, and the US, or as they call - the little devil and the big devil.

But it also depends on what this article means when it says "Arabs".

In any case, there are much more Arab countries not allied (at the least) with Israel than ones that are.

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I forgot Qatar. Not at all an Israeli ally. check out free press articles on how Qatar outsourced anti antisemitism in the west by pouring billions into US higher education.

Also they are a fundamental backer of Hamas, they have even taken some “refugees” in, but only the billionaires - look at Ismail Hanya and Khaled mashal for example.

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Not quite sure where i wrote that all Arab countries are allies of Israel. The opposite is true - while some are tolerant or even accepting of Israel, none are its allies.

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I was quoting the article :)

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True, but it still sounds like Netanyahu is trying to divide Gaza from the West Bank and why would that be? So there can’t be a Palestinian state. And lots of Israelis blame Netanyahu for October 7th anyway. Never mind all the anti-Christian sentiment among the Jews of Israel even though the Christians are the ones who helped them out. I mean if you’re legally not Jewish in Israel if you’re Christian then Israel isn’t even an ethnostate, it’s a Rabbinic Judaism theocracy. So it’s no wonder they end up fighting against the nearby Islamic theocracy. I’m certainly not defending Hamas, but it sounds like Netanyahu is even if the radical elements were dominant without any goading from Israel. It sounds to me like probably the Palestinian population has gotten more chill over time since Israel and their Western allies came in and built things so they aren’t living in squalor like the Ottomans, but the Israeli government is still working to find the most radical elements so that they don’t end up living in peace.

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Why should Gaza and the West Bank be as one country? They are not and have never been considered one. Certainly not when Egypt ruled Gaza and Jordan the West Bank. It is a western concept that they be united. They don't even speak the same dialect of Arabic.

Israel is not an ethnostate and certainly no ta Rabbinic theocracy. You obviously don't know a lot about Israel. Nor is Israel in any way anti-Christian. I am not really sure where you come up with these things.

You are completely mistaken as to the makeup of Israel, the whole idea of Zionism. I think you read too much of The Nation.

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You are inferring that I agree with The Nation on everything because I posted one article by them once, even though that's the only thing I remember reading by them. Meanwhile I have lots of posts about Zionism and they're all in favor of it. I'm just not in favor of Netanyahu because there are literally reports of Israelis saying yeah, he funded Hamas. What's your evidence he didn't actually fund Hamas? Even if we were going to give Gaza back to Egypt and the West Bank back to Jordan I don't know what that would change about Netanyahu's likely funding of Hamas.

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I didn't realize this argument was about Netanyahu - he was the boss and should be gone after the next election which should be soon. He did encourage the funding of Hamas because he and the entire security establishment thought they were interested in the residents of Gaza. They never were.

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Michaela, that was a fricking brilliant analysis of the impossibility insane situation going on in the Middle East and the psycho(patho)logical mindset of those running it and supporting it. Peace ☮️ is a four letter word to those guys. IDK if it’s just too much sun on their heads in that region or what? But their sense of morality is--let’s just say--not the peaceful cooperative type. When was it ever?! Israel says it’s their land. Ok where’s the deed? I’m not referring to the Balfour declaration. Cause if you pushing this on the Bible, well that’s a whole other can of worms that guys like Mauro Biglino and Clif High are pulling apart.

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The conundrum here is this, everyday that the wailing ZOG DOG who is now rabid & insane, everyday that the ZOG-DOG is NOT PUT-DOWN, is another day that it destroys the worlds best and most valuable infrastructure;

China invested Trillions past 20 years on Silk-Road today its being destroyed, ZOG has destroyed all antiquity in Palestine

Every day that the rabid-dog is allowed to roam means more death for the earth and more property destruction; What the fucking hell is the world waiting for??

It's not just about de-population, it seems that auto-destruct is trying to destroy everything human progress ever made, the books, the history, the buildings the statues;

The entire earth just watches like its a fucking TV show;


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