Sitemap - 2024 - Michaela McKuen's Metamorphology
C. S. Lewis and Michelangelo vs. Peter Thiel on Cain and Abel
Arthur C. Clarke and Evolution in Science Fiction
Everyone on The Big Bang Theory has NPD
Ayn Rand the Hegelian vs. Schelling, Goethe, and Gödel
The Real Danger of Hitler (or Stalin etc.) Comparisons
Yes, Elon, George Soros Really is Magneto
The Future is Mars Cottagecore
Tolkien, Kafka, and the Anxiety of Influence
Fantasy Fiction and Real Magic
The 60s Probably Ruined Everything
Stop Being Lazy, People of European Descent
Hypnogogy Revisited: Schumann V
Identity Politics and So-Called Theocracy
Halloween in May Continued and the Problems with Anticonsumerism
The United States of Europoor America
The Shadow Universe of Champions
I Was Going to Write a Parody of Secular Humanism
The Two Superheroes Who Keep Dying
Metamorphology Part 2: Nonrandom Mutations
Oppenheimer: Mentally Unstable Incompetent Brat and Attempted Murderer who Silenced Bohm
Let me control a nation's narrative and I care not who issues the money.
Elon Musk, God-Emperor of Humanity
Crisis in Academia and the Necessity of Normal Jobs
Serious Considerations Regarding Demolishing the Isthmus of Panama
Metamorphology: On the Origin of Evolutionary Theories
Nobody's Problem: Against So-Called "Hard" Science Fiction
Looking for People Interested in Real Generative AI
Lead Safe Mama: Fact and Fiction
We Interrupt Our Regular Broadcast...
Defenses and Criticisms of George R. R. Martin
Cybernetic Theodicy, Opponent-Process Theory, and the Consolation of Philosophy
More Evidence for the Origin of Life in Cosmic Ray Reactions
Synbiogenesis: An Alternative Hypothesis to Abiogenesis
When You Don't Sleep Because There Are Snakes
Sleep Paralysis, Neurology, Christianity, and Metanarratives
PSA: How to Deal with Sleep Paralysis
The Underestimating of Black Music
Dijkstra on Reading Less Among Other Things
Dead French Intellectuals are Boring
Artificial Intelligence is a Buzzword
Stop Calling Yourself an Empath
Should Christians Work Toward Genetic Engineering?
Banning Hydrogen Hydroxide and Other Chemicals
The Retarded Microscope of Politics
Be A Dopamine Junkie, Go Broke
Totalitarianism: Ancient Origins
Corporatist Universities and the Gilded Age
Terracore: A Critique of Pure Aesthetics
The Regime's Borderline Relationship with the Police
The Many Colored Hats in Computing
Crimes of the Humanities: Dostoevsky
Some Ideas for Ending Corporate Power
Thoughts on the Political Compass
Anti-Hero! Radio Taking Submissions!
Substackers Actually Against Nazis
Happy Epiphany and Capture the Narrative Day!
Please Give Me Suggestions for What to Read
Some Supplements and Techniques for Brain Health and Cognitive Enhancement